Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing
​Originally developed for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this internationally recognized, evidence based approach is now used to treat people with a number of different clinical struggles. In addition to the treatment of specific trauma populations, EMDR can be used to support clients struggling with anxiety, depression, addictive behaviors, pain, etc. The eight phase protocol is designed to enable clinicians to target clients’ past and current issues and help them face the future more adaptively. During treatment, emphasis is given to ensure client’s safety and allows customization of treatment to best meet their needs.
Life can get difficult, and sometimes a little help from a professional Mental Health Service Provider can make things better. I care about your well-being and provide you with the tools you need in order to seize the day and learn how to tackle even the most traumatic circumstances.
Integrate EMDR as part of your individual therapy sessions